
The purpose of The Gimnasio La Montaña when planning the menu is to contribute to a suitable education and healthy development of its students. Meals offered are well-balanced, tasty, and varied in flavors, age-appropriately sized, and following the nutritional advice of health professionals. There is a fruit and salad bar available for students, and lunch includes different options for proteins and carbohydrates, as well as natural fruit juice.

Lunch service is optional and can be taken on a semester base. Students can decide between receiving lunch prepared at school or bringing it from home according to their family´s needs and choices.

During lunch hours, students will be together with teaching staff to make sure students eat the food offered by the school and to look after practicing good manners at the table.

Students bring snack from home. From 4th grade on, they can enjoy the school food store, and from Middle High School on, they can also buy snack during the morning recess and the afternoon extra-curricular activities.

In case of dietary restrictions
Dietary or food restrictions properly prescribed by health physicians should be recorded in the health form and sent to the School Infirmary.

Nutritional Guidelines and Demands
Decisions made with respect to meals offered at Gimnasio La Montaña follow the nutritional requirements of the Instituto de Bienestar Familiar (Family Welfare Institute) and the Health Secretary of the District.

Likewise, we completed and have received all the qualifications required for the manipulation of food by the Secretary of Health.

Menu from 9 to 13

Our menus have varied and balanced options, including juice and dessert.







– Sopa de arracacha

– Fruta

– Lomo de cerdo Alfredo

– Pollo al horno

– Papa Provenzal

– Arroz blanco

-Ensalada de brócoli y tocineta, tomate y espinaca con vinagreta de ajo.


– Sopa de arroz

– Fruta

– Nuggets de pollo

– Atún con verduras

– Papa a la francesa

– Arroz blanco

Ensalada Griega


– Fruta

– Bandeja Paisa

– Chorizo, chicharrón, carne molida

– Tajadas de maduro

– Arroz blanco



– Crema de choclo

– Fruta

– Lomo Stroganoff

– Pollo a la griega

– Papas con tomates secos y albahaca

Arroz blanco

Ensalada de quinua y mango y vinagreta con reducción de vino tinto


– Sopa de pasta
– Fruta

– Arroz con pollo

Chips de arracacha

Ensalada de rábano, zanahoria, tomate y vinagreta verde